WANT TO BECOME MORE PERSUASIVE & INFLUENTIAL? No matter who you are or what you, we all face a similar challenge… Why do people say “YES” and how can you make that happen more often? As you know, it’s incredibly frustrating when others can’t see situations from your perspective and sometimes, they may even strongly disagree with whatever it is you say without reason … And this typically leads to heated arguments , unproductive outcomes and honestly, can be a huge waste of time . THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY, RIGHT? Fortunately, I’ve created a PROVEN Persuasion Methodology that will show you how to become more persuasive and have more influence in both your professional and personal life . And it’s called Persuasion Machine. Unlike other courses, Persuasion Machine is the COMPLETE MASTER COURSE thousands of people have used to master the psychology of persuasion and communication skills to have more influence in their everyday lives. As long as you use our proven Persuasion Machine Methodology (which I’ll show you how to do step by step), you’ll be able to take control of any situation. Here are some of the many things I’ll cover for you in this course that trains on how to master persuasion and influence skills: We will show you the core foundations world class performers and companies use to be more persuasive and influential backed by hard science How to develop your communication skills to know exactly what to say and how to say it to become more persuasive How you can get more people to say “ YES ” without being seen as pushy, needy, or aggressive The best way to build rapport with anyone and get people to authentically like you How to master persuasion psychology principles like Social Proof and Scarcity to have more influence in your everyday life How to position yourself as an authority figure and get people to listen to whatever it is you have to say How to defend yourself from anyone who tries to use manipulative persuasion tactics on you and how to use this to your advantage This course will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to develop your persuasion skills and become more influential in business and life whether you’re already familiar with persuasion psychology or if you’re just getting started. I’ve personally tested these bullet proof strategies during my time as one of the TOP sales professionals at Oracle, a Y-Combinator backed startup, as well as in my everyday life. I'm confident the Persuasion Machine Methodology WILL WORK for YOU. Now, if you’re ready to take your Persuasion and Influence skills to the next level, I’ll see you inside! -Patrick
    This fourth and final course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will help you master perhaps the most important step in the writing process: revising. You’ll learn about the difference between editing and proofreading. You’ll practice “un-numbing the numbers” so that data and statistics you use are clear and compelling. And you’ll be introduced to a framework for giving and receiving feedback that helpfully systematizes what should be cut and what should be kept from each draft. As with the other three courses in this series, you will also get access to a wide range of books and other resources you can use even after you finish the course. These include: (1)the readings and exercises provided to the students who have taken the in-person version of this course at the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago; (2)two digital libraries of excellent writing from a diverse collection of journalists, scientists, novelists, poets, historians, and entrepreneurs; (3)a monthly “Good Sentences” email.
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      There are endless possibilities for you in the field of information technology, and we want to make sure you get started in the right place. IBM is collaborating with MyInnerGenius, one of the world’s leading assessment companies, to help you determine the job roles you will love -- careers that are a great match for you – even if you’ve never considered a role in IT. This program includes assessments in areas such as proofing, reading, basic math and problem-solving -- as well as personality traits -- to help you find job roles that fit your natural skills, abilities and personality. There is no studying involved here: Regardless of your education or background, these assessments will help you find a role where you have the best chance to be successful and advance in your career. After you take the assessments, we will provide you with a list of roles and training paths that are a great fit for you. Imagine having a personal career coach that would be able to do that? And this service is entirely free to you. In addition, you have the chance to earn IBM Digital Badges that will connect you with job opportunities. IBM Digital Badges display real-time job listings which match your skills. You can search by location, salary and company and even apply directly for a job right from within your search. And you can opt in to IBM’s Talent Match service. Talent Match is an IBM program which allows employers to find you and make a connection. All of this is completely free and entirely confidential. You control your data and you can share it if you would like. * NOTE: Before you begin, we recommend you find a location where you will not be distracted or interrupted. The entire assessment takes about an hour, so give yourself plenty of time so you do not feel rushed. This is your time to discover the many possibilities that await you.
        Hey, Thank you for considering this course. I have kept this one in the highest pricing tier because only the right students can attract this course. My name is Sudhir Khollam, Owner of 6 Businesses, currently making around 20 Lac Rs. a month (Around 25000 dollars a month) and the target is Rs. 1 Crore a Month (Around 125,000 Dollars a month) within the next three years. Have seen the other side as well. 3.5 Years back lost Rs. 1 Crore of my Parents Money in haste and hurry, caused emotional tensions at home and to myself as well. Followed by Health and Relationship challenges. Since then, its been quite a turnaround story. Today I am coaching thousands of students every month on how they can immediately improve their money situation. I have identified 18 stories, which will add amazing insights to you, give you realisations and a path. Plus, I invited my Guru, Murali Sundaram to contribute 3 more stories from his life, and he happily obliged. In this course you will find 21 stories which will help you change your way of being in a way that money will start loving you more and more and will be besides you for the rest of your life! Go On then, register and start attracting a lot more of money! Regards Sudhir Khollam Prosperity Coach
          In this course, you will find the many reasons why some African-American men have not escaped poverty. According to CNN Money, about 30% of African-American men are below the poverty line. Even worse, the number of black people owning homes and businesses has declined slowly since 2012. What are African-Americans doing to keep their race alive and to show that their lives truly matter? I created this course to help individuals of color and other minority groups escape the cycle of poverty. Specifically, you will find: 7 actionable steps to help an African-American man escape poverty Additional resources and links to books written by very successful people who were not raised in a rich family Several key advice black men should follow in order to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. A word of prayer: each chapter ends with a small prayer to uplift the faith of many black folks and other minority groups who are struggling financially. The need to share my message discussed in this course to young adults who need help making good financial decisions. Lastly, I hope you will truly enjoy this course. If you follow ALL the seven parts discussed in this course, then I guarantee that you will see some levels of financial success very soon. BONUS : Anyone who purchases my course will get a free e-book version (pdf format) of the course from me!  Please enroll right away:) –Any questions? Email me: [email protected] (subject headline: “Black men with Poverty”; I’ll respond within 24 hrs.)   I want you to understand that with God, all things are possible. He created you for a purpose! Good luck browsing through this course and I wish you all the best :)
            This is an introductory course into the world of financial decision making and financial literacy. Anyone can take course, but the target students are teens and high school students. Ideally you will take this course before graduating from high school. The course was created to help prepare teens and high schoolers for adult life which will require a foundational knowledge of finances and skills in financial decision making. This course can also be beneficial for immigrants or students coming the the USA.
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              The Intermediate level of the Professional Development pathway has been divided into two sections: It covers the following practical chapters and is filled with all the kinds of detail that will help you achieve success in obtaining the job you want. - The essential elements to develop yourself, e.g., Decision-Making and Assertiveness, Time Management, Dealing with Change and Conflict resolution. - Essential employability factors e.g. Health and Safety, Information Security and Risk Management. This program is a great start for those in transition as it covers all of the in-demand elements - the personal time out to understand who you are and what your talents are to how to successfully interact in the workplace. This online course provides the keys to help you get noticed hunting for your next job. The course is filled with useful advice that any business professional can apply as well, even if you are currently employed. You will take the tips provided in the book to review resumes and candidates when hiring..... In the competitive job market of the world today, those seeking employment WILL benefit from the titbits and advice provided in every chapter. You will be continually amazed at this courses ability to point out the small details that will make one stand out from the crowd and make a huge difference for jobs seekers. In this time of high unemployment this is a very timely course. There are a multitude of people that are out of work looking for jobs and this course will provide you the extra edge that they need to land the job of their dreams in the midst of record unemployment . Even in tough times there are jobs being filled every day....If you study, underline, highlight this advice you will land that job. The real meat of this course is just what it says: Developing and Improving your value! It really makes you think and gives you a whole new perspective on the subject.
                The final course aims to build learners’ confidence and adaptability when communicating in cross-cultural environments as they assume leadership responsibility to communicate influence in persuasive workplace contexts. The course focuses on enhancing learners’ professional persona for skilful engagement and intercultural communication with stakeholders within and beyond the organization, including cross-departmental work teams, clients and external partners. Learners will also discover and apply good practices in organising information, using visual aids and body language for presentations while demonstrating a heightened sense of cultural sensitivity in a given context. In all, learners will acquire skills to demonstrate persuasive verbal and intercultural communication in workplace contexts which may include dialogues and presentations to critical stakeholders and effective task delegation to team members. At the end of this course, learners will be able to: - Analyse factors of motivation among workplace counterparts. - Recognise the impact of culture on factors of motivation. - Critique and craft persuasive verbal communication products (i.e. script of dialogue) for exchanges with work teams and critical stakeholders. - Apply principles of effective PowerPoint slide design with consideration for cultural sensitivity. - Identify and adopt strategies on the use of voice and body language for engaging presentations.
                  No matter the professional level, we can all benefit from learning how to succeed in our careers. Whether a well-seasoned professional, a management trainee, or a service level employee, this course will help you enrich your career by honing your professional behavior and networking. Through industry expert support and resources, this course is designed to prepare you for success in any chosen career. You will develop the habits and attitudes you need to perform effectively in the job market. You will identify a mentor to add value to your career. You will analyze your relationships and develop a practical approach for engaging your LinkedIn network. You will differentiate between networking and networking with intention. You will also discover the most effective ways to ask for help from your peer or professional group. Finally, you will evaluate the best methods of adjusting your career path at various stages of life.
                    The ability to create agreement through negotiation is the number one skill in business. Whether you are dealing in million dollar transactions or simply winning others over to your way of thinking, Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Make Deals Out Of Duds is the course that positions you to achieve outstanding results where others fail. This course takes you through the human cognitive processes that lead us to make decisions, the various styles of negotiation and the complete negotiation process that turns duds into deals. How do you create repeat business, generate referrals and create win-win results without giving up what you really want? In Negotiation Fundamentals, we show you how. What Will I Learn? The human cognitive processes that lead to decision making How to achieve power in negotiations How to identify and use negotiation pressure points The various negotiation styles you will encounter and how to handle them The principles and techniques of negotiation How to help your opponent feel like they’ve won, while you win too! This course is also full of exercises that allow you to practice what you are learning. Allow me to be your instructor, take action with our exercises and develop your skills as a negotiator to enhance your current and future successes in business. Taking Negotiation Fundamentals will change the way you look at yourself and others. You will not only become more effective in your business dealings but better able to manage your thinking and the thinking of others. Negotiation can be a scary, high-stakes process. You simply cannot afford to leave it to guess work or old habits. Instead, you need a system for engaging with your negotiation opponents, backed by the current science of human cognition. This is what you will gain with this course. Your Instructor for this course is Alex Kouramanis. His content-packed delivery and accessible teaching style, comes from years of learning how to lead others to agreement. Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Make Deals Out Of Duds takes Alex’s 10 year combination of academic discipline in Cognitive Science & Philosophy and his street-wise business savvy as a real estate investor and business owner, and distills this experience to you in this value packed premium course! By the end of this online course you will have the knowledge to be confident in approaching any negotiation situation, create terrific deals and avoid the traps that kill opportunities. Create a whole future of opportunities and join us in Negotiation Fundamentals: How To Make Deals Out Of Duds today!